Below is a list of authors presented in alphabetical order. The authors are categorised by the first letter of their surname. Use the available links to view the authors in each category.
Yancey, Rick
Yates, Anne
Yates, Dornford
Yates, Simon
Yeats, W B
Yeebo, Yepoka
Yelland, David
Yeomans, Sara
Ying, Esther Cheo
Yoder, Rachel
Yong, Ed
Yoon, Nicola
Yorke, John
Yorke, Margaret
Yoshida, Keina
Yoshida, Keina & Robinson, Jennifer
Yoshino, Genzaburo
Young, David
Young, E H
Young, Erin
Young, Esme
Young, Glenda
Young, Jimmy
Young, Louisa
Young, Martin
Young, Moira
Young, Will
Young, William
Younge, Gary
Younghusband, Eileen
Youngson, Anne
Yousaf, Dr Shahed
Yousafzai, Malala
Ypi, Lea
Yu, An
Yu, Jessica Zhan Mei
Yueh, Linda Y
Yung-de-Prevaux, Aude
Yuzuki, Asako