Below is a list of authors presented in alphabetical order. The authors are categorised by the first letter of their surname. Use the available links to view the authors in each category.
Nabb, Magdalen
Nabokov, Vladimir
Nadel, Barbara
Nadin, Joanna
Nafousi, Roxie
Nagra, Daljit
Naidoo, Beverley
Naipaul, V S
Nair, Anita
Nair, Preethi
Nairn-Magnante, Eve
Nalder, Jill
Namioka, Lensey
Nancollas, Tom
Napoli, Donna Jo
Napolitano, Ann
Napthine, David
Narayan, R. K.
Narula, Herman
Nash, Margaret
Nashef, Samer
Nation, Terry
National Geographic,
Nattoo, Richard
Naughtie, James
Naughton, Bill
Navalny, Alexei
Nawaz, Zarqa
Nayeri, Dina
Naylor, Nicola
Neale, Kitty
Neblett, Karla
Needle, Jan
Neels, Betty
Neenan, Tom
Neff, Dr Kristin
Neichin, Brett
Neil, Andrew
Neill, Fiona
Neill, Sam
Nelson, Bradley
Nelson, Caleb Azumah
Nelson, D A
Nelson, Dr Bradley
Nelson, Maggie
Nemirovsky, Irene
Nesbit, E
Nesbit, E.
Nesbo, Jo
Ness, Patrick
Nesser, Hakan
Nestor, James
Netley, Rebecca
Nettleton, John
Neufeld, Gordon
Neuhaus, Nele
Neuvel, Sylvain
Neve, Ann
Neveling, Elmar
Neville, Gary
Neville, Katherine
Neville, Richard
Neville, Stuart
New International Version,
Newberry, Sheila
Newbery, Lee
Newbery, Linda
Newborn, Jud
Newborn, Jud & Dumbach, Annette
Newby, Eric
Newkey-Burden, Chas
Newman, Catherine
Newman, Cathy
Newman, Edgar
Newman, G F
Newman, Jenny
Newman, John Henry
Newman, Paul
Newman, Robert
Newman, Sharan
Newman G F,
Newport, Cal
Newson, Dr Louise
Newton, William
Ng, Celeste
Ngai, Kelly
Ngai, Kelly & Lish, Mikki
Nguyen, Viet Thanh
Ni, Xueting Christine
Nicey, Nicey
Nicey & Wifey,
Nicey & Wifey, & Nicey, Nicey
Nichol, John
Nichol, John & Rennell, Tony
Nicholl, Andrew
Nicholl, Charles
Nicholls, David
Nicholls, Fred
Nicholls, Sally
Nicholson, Julie
Nicholson, Mavis
Nicholson, Mike
Nicholson, Tony
Nicholson, Virginia
Nicholson, William
Nickolds, Andrew
Nickolds, Andrew & Douglas, Christopher
Nickson, Chris
Nickson, Mary
Nicoll, Andrew
Nicolson, Adam
Nicolson, Harold
Nicolson, Juliet
Niemann, Derek
Niemi, Mikael
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Niffeneger (editor), Audrey
Niffenegger, Audrey
Nijkamp, Marieke
Niland, Conor
Nimmo, Jenny
Niskala, Brian E
Nix, Garth
Nobbs, David
Noble, Barbara
Noble, Elizabeth
Nocera, Joseph
Nock, O S
Nogrady, Bianca
Nokes, David
Nolan, Christopher
Nolan, Coleen
Nolan, Megan
Nonhebel, Clare
Nooteboom, Cees
Norbury, James
Nord, Camilla
Norden, Denis
Norman, Charity
Norman, Diana
Norman, Hilary
Norman, Philip
Norman, Samantha
Norman, Samantha & Franklin, Ariana
Norris, Barney
Norriss, Andrew
Norry, E. L.
Norry, E. L. & Evans, Ashley
Norry, E. L. & Rutherford, Adam
North, Claire
North, Freya
North, L.C.
North, Lauren
North, Richard
North, Richard & Booker, Christopher
Northup, Solomon
Norton, Elizabeth
Norton, Graham
Norton, Julian
Norton, Mary
Norton, Michael
Norton, Richie
Norton, Sheila
Novik, Naomi
Nugent, Andrew
Nugent, Liz
Nutting, Alissa
Nwulu, Selina
Nye, Robert
Nyong'o, Lupita
Nzelu, Okechukwu