Below is a list of authors presented in alphabetical order. The authors are categorised by the first letter of their surname. Use the available links to view the authors in each category.
Iannucci, Armando
Ibbotson, Eva
Ibrahim, Maiya
Ibrahimovic, Zlatan
Ibsen, Henrik
Idle, Eric
Ifeakandu, Arinze
Iggulden, Conn
Iglesias, Gabino
Iles, Francis
Iles, Greg
Iliffe, Glyn
Illsley, John
Imafidon, Anne-Marie
Imafidon, Kenny
Imber, Amantha
Imlach, Gary
Imrie, Celia
Ince, Robin
Ince, Robin & Cox, Brian
Indridason, Arnaldur
Ingham, Kenneth
Ingham, Mike
Ingle, Ann
Ingle, Michael
Ingle, Michael & Ingle, Ann
Inglis, Lucy
Ingram, William
Ings, Simon
Inj Culbard,
Inj Culbard, & Abnett, Dan
Innes, Hammond
Innes, Michael
Innes, Miranda
Ions, Jane
Iredale, Will
Ireland, Jenny
Ironmonger, J W
Ironmonger, John
Ironside, Elizabeth
Ironside, Virginia
Irving, John
Isaacson, Rupert
Isaacson, Walter
Isaka, Kotaro
Isherwood, Christopher
Ishiguro, Kazuo
Islam, Burhana
Isler, Alan
Itani, Frances
Ive, Ruth
Ives, L S
Ivey, Eowyn
Izgil, Tahir Hamut
Izner, Claude