Below is a list of authors presented in alphabetical order. The authors are categorised by the first letter of their surname. Use the available links to view the authors in each category.
Raban, Jonathan
Raby, Lucy Daniel
Rachman, Gideon
Radcliffe, Ann
Radcliffe, Robert
Radebe, Johannes
Radinger, Elli H
Radojevic, Monika
Rae (editor), Simon
Rahman, Khurrum
Rai, Bali
Raihani, Nichola
Raines, Jamie
Raistrick, Trevor
Raiyaan, Aliyah Umm
Rajesh, Monisha
Ramaswamy, Chitra
Ramirez, Janina
Ramirez, Liana
Ramos, Joanne
Ramsay, Eileen
Ramsden, David
Ramsden, David & Venning, Harry
Randall, Will
Ranfurly, Countess
Rankin, Ian
Rankin, Nicholas
Rankin, Robert
Rankin, Ian & McIlvanney, William
Ranpo, Edogawa
Ransome, Arthur
Rantzen, Esther
Rappaport, Helen
Rasoul, Sana
Ratinon, Claire
Rauf, Onjali Q
Rauf, Onjali Q.
Ravel, Edeet
Ravella, Shilpa
Raven, Charlotte
Raverat, Gwen
Rawicz, Slavomir
Rawlence, Ben
Rawsthorne, Paula
Ray, Jeanne
Rayban, Chloe
Raybourn, Deanna
Raymond, Andrew
Rayne, Sarah
Rayner, Claire
Rayner, Jay
Rayner, Mary
Raz, Tahl
Raz, Tahl & Ferrazzi, Keith
Rea, Jonathan
Read, Anthony
Read, Benjamin
Read, Emma
Read, Miss
Read, Piers Paul
Read, Shelley
Real, Terrence
Reason, Christopher
Rebanks, James
Rebel Girls,
Redding, Dr. Tony
Reddy, Jini
Redfern, Elizabeth
Redgrave, Naida
Redgrave, Steven
Redmond, Heather
Redmond, Patrick
Reekles, Beth
Reeman, Douglas
Rees, Celia
Rees, Emlyn
Rees, Jenny
Rees, Nigel
Rees, Sian
Rees, Tracy
Rees, Emlyn & Lloyd, Josie
Rees-Mogg, Jacob
Reeve, Alex
Reeve, Christopher
Reeve, Philip
Reeves, Amber
Reich, Christopher
Reichs, Kathy
Reid, Ava
Reid, Beryl
Reid, Carmen
Reid, Christopher
Reid, Howard
Reid, Louisa
Reid, Major P R
Reid, Melanie
Reid, Rebecca
Reid, Taylor Jenkins
Reid, Walter
Reilly, Catherine W.
Reilly, Martina
Reilly, Rick
Reimann, Brigitte
Reiter, Mark
Reiter, Mark & Goldsmith, Marshall
Remarque, E M
Remes, Olivia
Remmes, Brenda Bevan
Renault, Mary
Rendell, Ruth
Rennell, Tony
Renner, Ellen
Rennison, Louise
Rensburg, Laure Van
Renton, Claudia
Rentzenbrink, Cathy
Reppetto, Thomas
Restak, Richard
Revell, Nancy
Revell, Timothy
Revell, Timothy & Kitagawa, Kate
Revis, Beth
Reynolds, Alastair
Reynolds, Allie
Reynolds, Margaret
Reynolds, Matthew
Reynolds, Tom
Rhea, Nicholas
Rhodes, Dan
Rhodes, Elvi
Rhodes, James
Rhodes, Margaret
Rhodes, Pam
Rhodes, Pamela
Rhue, Morton
Rhys, Jean
Rhys, Rachel
Ribay, Randy
Ribeiro, Sidarta
Riccioni, Jo
Rice, Anne
Rice, Ben
Rice, Eva
Rice, James
Rice, Joan
Rich, Doris L
Richard van Emden,
Richard van Emden, & Humphries, Steve
Richard van Emden, & Patch, Harry
Richards, Ben
Richards, Jess
Richards, Justin
Richards, Keith
Richards, Micah
Richards, Olly
Richards, Steve
Richards, Stewart
Richards, Stewart & Russell-Pavier, Nick
Richardson, Anthony
Richardson, C S
Richardson, Heather Cox
Richardson, Matthew
Richardson, Nigel
Richardson, Paul
Richardson, Robert
Richaud, Frederic
Richemont, Enid
Riches, Anthony
Richie, Jessica
Richie, Jessica & Bowler, Kate
Richmond, Michelle
Rickards, James
Rickman, Phil
Riddell, Chris
Riddell, Chris & Stewart, Paul
Riddle, Tony
Ridgeway, Rick
Ridgway, Anthony
Ridley, Glynis
Ridley, Jane
Ridley, Nicolas
Ridley, Philip
Ridley, Yvonne
Ridpath, Michael
Ridyard, Jennifer
Ridyard, Jennifer & Connolly, John
Riel, Rachel
Rigby, David
Rigby, Robert
Rigby, Robert & McNab, Andy
Rigg, India
Riggs, Ransom
Rigler, Laurie Viera
Riley, Alex
Riley, Charlotte Lydia
Riley, Gwendoline
Riley, Lucinda
Riley, Stella
Riley, Talulah
Rimington, Stella
Rinck, Maranke
Rinder, Rob
Ring, Jim
Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe Losal
Rinpoche, Tsoknyi
Rinpoche, Tsoknyi & Goleman, Daniel
Riordan, James
Riordan, Kate
Riordan, Rick
Ripley, Becky
Rissik, Andrew
Ritchie, Hannah
Ritchie, Jean
Ritchie, Jean & Probert-Wright, Barbie
Rivers, Carol
Riviere, William
Rix, Jamie
Roach, Levi
Roache, William
Roanhorse, Rebecca
Robards, Karen
Robb, Candace
Robb, J D
Robbins, Lilly
Roberts, Adele
Roberts, Alice
Roberts, Andrew
Roberts, Bethan
Roberts, Dave
Roberts, David
Roberts, Elaine
Roberts, I D
Roberts, J Aelwyn
Roberts, Jason
Roberts, Josh
Roberts, Michael Symmons
Roberts, Michele
Roberts, Monty
Roberts, Nora
Roberts, Patrick
Roberts, Philippa
Roberts, William Owen
Roberts, Yvonne
Roberts, I D & MacDonald-Ross, Phyll
Roberts, Philippa & Cunningham, Jane
Robertson, Brian J
Robertson, Ian H.
Robertson, Imogen
Robertson, James
Robertson, Robin
Robilant, Andrea di
Robin, Carole
Robin, Carole & Bradford, David
Robins, Danny
Robins, Jane
Robinson, Anne
Robinson, Brooke
Robinson, Ishi
Robinson, James
Robinson, Jane
Robinson, Jennifer
Robinson, Joan G
Robinson, John A T
Robinson, Ken
Robinson, Marilynne
Robinson, Nigel
Robinson, Patrick
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, Robert
Robinson, James & McDonald, Lawrence
Robison, Peter
Robotham, Mandy
Robotham, Michael
Robson, Amanda
Robson, Bobby
Robson, Mark
Roche, Tony
Rochester, Julia
Rodin, Al
Rodriguez, Deborah
Roe, Jill
Roffey, Monique
Rogers, Byron
Rogers, Douglas
Rogers, Dr.
Rogers, Jenny
Rogers, Jude
Rolfe, Kate
Rolfe, Mel
Rollason, Helen
Rollett, Bob
Rollinson, Susan
Rollock, Nicola
Rollyson, Carl
Rolt, L T C
Romer, John
Ronson, Jon
Rook, David
Rooke, Margaret
Rooney, David
Rooney, Jennie
Rooney, Sally
Roose-Evans, James
Root, Neil
Ros, Manon Steffan
Rose, Jacqui
Rose, Malcolm
Rose, Neil
Rose, Walter
Rose, Jacqui & Cole, Martina
Rosen, Billie
Rosen, Jody
Rosen, Jonathan
Rosen, Michael
Rosen, Michael & McGough, Roger
Rosenberg, Alex
Rosenberg, Marion Lignana
Rosenberg, Otto
Rosenberg, Marion Lignana & Rovelli, Carlo
Rosenblatt, Robert
Rosenblatt, Robert & Reeve, Christopher
Rosenbloom, Stephanie
Rosenblum, Emma
Rosenheim, Andrew
Roslund, Anders
Rosoff, Meg
Ross, Alec
Ross, David
Ross, Josephine
Ross, L J
Ross, Martin
Ross, Orna
Ross, Peter
Ross, Ricky
Ross, Stewart
Ross, Tony
Ross (editor), Tony
Ross, Martin & Somerville, Edith
Rossant, Colette
Rossellini, Isabella
Rossetti, Christina
Rossiter, Joanna
Rossiter, Mike
Rostron, Arthur
Roth, Joseph
Roth, Philip
Roth, Veronica
Rothchild, Sascha
Rothschild, Hannah
Rothschild, Miriam
Round, Julie
Routledge, James
Routledge, Paul
Roux, Madeleine
Rovelli, Carlo
Rowlands, Betty
Rowlands, Mark
Rowling, J K
Rowntree, Kathleen
Rowson, Pauline
Roy, Arundhati
Roy, Jacqueline
Royal Horticultural Society,
Royle (editor), Nicholas
Rozelaar, Jeff
Rubenhold, Hallie
Rubens, Bernice
Rubery, Matthew
Rubin, Gareth
Rudden, Dave
Ruddick, James
Ruffell, Andy
Ruhl, Sarah
Rule, Fiona
Rule, Joslyn Thompson
Rumi, Jalaloddin
Runcie, James
Rundell, Katherine
Rundell, Katherine (ed.)
Rundell, Katherine (ed.) & Authors, Miscellaneous
Runyon, Damon
Rusbridge, Jane
Rushdie, Salman
Rushton, Rosie
Russell, Bernadette
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Christine
Russell, Christopher
Russell, Craig
Russell, Gary
Russell, Lynn
Russell, Mary Doria
Russell, Norman
Russell, Christopher & Russell, Christine
Russell-Pavier, Nick
Russo, Meredith
Russo, Richard
Rutherford, Adam
Rutherford, Mark
Rutherford, Adam & Fry, Hannah
Rutter, Helen
Ryan, Chris
Ryan, Donal
Ryan, Eimear
Ryan, Jennifer
Ryan, Jenny
Ryan, Lexi
Ryan, Margaret
Ryan, Mark
Ryan, Robert
Ryder, Shaun