Below is a list of authors presented in alphabetical order. The authors are categorised by the first letter of their surname. Use the available links to view the authors in each category.
Packard, Gerald M
Packer, George
Packer, Tina
Packham, Chris
Paetro, Maxine
Paetro, Maxine & Patterson, James
Page, Alexandra
Page, Elliot
Page, Lynda
Paiba (editor), Helen
Paine, Lauran
Painter, Lynn
Palacio, R J
Palacio, R. J.
Palgrave, Francis Turner
Palin, Michael
Paling, Chris
Palliser, Marcus
Palmer, Andrew
Palmer, Bobby
Palmer, Elizabeth
Palmer, Luke
Palmer, Paul
Palmer, Philip
Palmer, Tom
Pamuk, Orhan
Panay, Panos
Panda, Dr. Satchin
Panja, Dr Ayan
Pankhurst, Emmeline
Pankhurst, Kate
Pannett, Mike
Panter-Downes, Mollie
Paolini, Christopher
Paphides, Pete
Paranque, Estelle
Paretsky, Sara
Parikian, Lev
Paris, B A
Paris, Helen
Parisi, Giorgio
Park, David
Park, Joan
Parke, Simon
Parker, Dorothy
Parker, Harry
Parker, Imogen
Parker, Libby
Parker, Mike
Parker, Priya
Parker, Robert J
Parkes, Sophie
Parkes, Sophie & Heeley, Dave
Parkin, Gaile
Parkinson, Arthur
Parkinson, Michael
Parks, Adele
Parks, Tim
Parnes, Amie
Parnes, Amie & Allen, Jonathan
Parot, Jean-Francois
Parr, Andrew
Parr, Lesley
Parris, James
Parris, Rachel
Parris, S J
Parrish, Shane
Parry, Heather
Parry, Vivienne
Parsons, Ged
Parsons, Julie
Parsons, Rob
Parsons, Tony
Parton, Allen
Parton, Dolly
Parton, Sandra
Parton, Dolly & Patterson, James
Parton, Sandra & Parton, Allen
Pascal, Francine
Pasternak, Boris
Pastis, Stephan
Patch, Harry
Patchett, Ann
Patel, Raj
Patel, Rupal
Patel, Serena
Patel, Raj & Marya, Rupa
Paterson, Don
Paterson, Katherine
Paterson (editor), Don
Pathak, Nazneen Ahmed
Paton, Alan
Patrick, Angela
Patrick, Cat
Patrick, Martha
Patrick, Phaedra
Patrick, S A
Patten, Brian
Patten, Lewis B
Patten, Louise
Patten, Lewis B & Overholser, Wayne
Patterson, George
Patterson, James
Patterson, Richard North
Patterson, Sue
Patterson, James & Butler, Steven
Patterson, James & Clinton, Bill
Patterson, James & Patterson, Sue
Paul, Celia
Paul, Gill
Paul, Joanne
Paull, Laline
Paulsen, Gary
Pavelle, Sophie
Paver, Michelle
Pavey, Ruth
Pavone, Chris
Pawson, Stuart
Paxman, Jeremy
Payne, Kev
Payne, Sheila
Peabody, J D
Peace, David
Peacock, Caro
Peacock, John
Peake, Mervyn
Peake, Tim
Pearce, A J
Pearce, Edward
Pearce, Joseph
Pearce, Michael
Pearce, Philippa
Pearlman, Edith
Pears, Iain
Pears, Tim
Pearse, Lesley
Pearse, Sarah
Pearson, Jenny
Pearson, Kit
Pearson, Maggie
Pearson, Jenny & Copeland, Sam
Peasley, Beth
Peasley, Beth & Leach, Nicola
Peck, Richard
Peck, Winifred
Pedersen, Dan
Peek, Bookey
Peel, John
Peel, Mark
Peet, Mal
Pegler, Ian
Pegler, Ian & Matthews, John
Peill, James
Peirce, Leslie
Pellegrino, Nicky
Pelzer, Dave
Pemberton, Marilyn
Pemberton, Tom
Pemberton, Victor
Pendleton, Victoria
Pendziwol, Jean E
Peniakoff, Vladimir
Penn, Thomas
Penner, Sarah
Penney, Stef
Penny, Louise
Penny, Malcolm
Pepper, Andrew
Pepys, Samuel
Percival, Tom
Perdue, Gill
Perdue, Gillian
Perera, Nadeem
Peretti, Paola
Perez, Caroline Criado
Perez-Reverte, Arturo
Perkins, Emily
Perkins, Sue
Perkins-Valdez, Dolen
Perks, Heidi
Perrett, Bryan
Perry, Anne
Perry, Jamar J.
Perry, Maria
Perry, Matthew
Perry, Philippa
Perry, Roland
Perry, Sarah
Perry, Thomas
Persaud, Ingrid
Petch, Tom
Peters, Elizabeth
Peters, Ellis
Peters, Mary (editor)
Peters, Steve
Peterson, Jeanne
Peterson, Jordan B.
Petrowskaja, Katja
Petterson, Per
Pettersson, Allan Rune
Petulengro, Eva
Pewsey, Elizabeth
Pey, Tom
Peyton, K M
Phan, Zoya
Phelps, Daphne
Philbrick, Nathaniel
Philby, Rufina
Philip, Neil
Phillips, Adam
Phillips, C E Lucas
Phillips, Caryl
Phillips, J B
Phillips, Sally
Phillips, Tom
Phinn, Gervase
Phinn (editor), Gervase
Piazza, Jo
Piazza, Jo & Pride, Christina
Picardie, Justine
Pichon, Liz
Pick, Hella
Pick-Goslar, Hannah
Picoult, Jodi
Pierce, Patricia
Pierre, Chloe
Pierre, D B C
Pierrehumbert, Raymond T.
Piesse, Jude
Pietersen, Kevin
Pigliucci, Massimo
Pilcher, Rosamunde
Pilkington, Doris
Pilling, Ann
Pinborough, Sarah
Pincher, Chapman
Pine, Emilie
Pink, Richard
Pinker, Steven
Pinner, Shaun
Pinney, Lucy
Pinsent, Matthew
Pinter, Harold
Piper, Katie
Pirie, David
Pitman, Jenny
Pitman, Richard
Plaidy, Jean
Plain, Belva
Plaisted, Caroline
Plampin, Matthew
Plante, Lynda La
Plass, Adrian
Plater, Alan
Plater, G J
Plath, Sylvia
Plato, Jason
Platt, Marc
Platts, Moyra
Plokhy, Serhii
Plume, Jane
Pocock, Tom
Poe, Edgar Allan
Pogrund, Benjamin
Pollan, Michael
Pollard, Clare
Pollard, Eve
Pollard, Stephen
Pollen, Bella
Pollock, Lucy
Pollock, Mark
Pomare, J P
Ponting, Herbert G.
Pontzen, Andrew
Pontzer, Herman
Pool, Hannah Azieb
Pooley, Clare
Pope, Alexander
Pope, Dudley
Pope, Nick
Pope, Rosie Swale
Popescu (editor), Lucy
Popplewell, Sir Oliver
Portas, Mary
Porter, Eleanor H
Porter, Henry
Porter, Joyce
Porter, Linda
Porter, Lucy
Porter, Max
Porter, Lucy & Ryan, Jenny
Portillo, Michael
Portis, Charles
Poskett, James
Postorino, Rosella
Potok, Chaim
Potter, Beatrix
Potter, David
Potter, Dennis
Potter, Ellen
Potter, Jennifer
Potter, Vanessa
Potter, Dennis & Thomas, D
Potts, Monica
Potts, Paul
Poulter, Ian
Pounder, Sibeal
Povey, Clare
Powell, Anthony
Powell, Claire
Powell, Gareth L.
Powell, Lester
Powell, Margaret
Powell (nee Hemy), Margaret
Power, Nina
Powers, Mark
Powers, Richard
Poynter, Dougie
Poynter, Dougie & Fletcher, Tom
Pratchett, Terry
Pratchett, Terry & Baxter, Stephen
Pratt, Non
Pre, Piers
Prebble, John
Prendergast, Shaun
Prescott, Pauline
Prescott (editor), Lynda
Presley, Daniel
Presley, Priscilla
Pressler, Mirjam
Preston, Diana
Preston, John
Preston, Marcia
Preston, Michael
Preston, Michael & Preston, Diana
Prevost, Abbe
Price, Anthony
Price, Bill
Price, Catherine
Price, Dr Devon
Price, Harry
Price, Susan
Price, Willard
Price-Lewis, Lucy
Pride, Christina
Priest, Christopher
Priestland, Gerald
Priestley, Chris
Priestley, J B
Priestley, J.B.
Prince, Alison
Prince, Maggie
Prince, Peter
Prince, Rosa
Prince of Wales, H R H
Pringle, Les
Prior, Hazel
Pritchard, Drew
Pritchard, John
Pritchett, V S
Probert-Wright, Barbie
Prochazka, Jan
Proulx, E. Annie
Proust, Marcel
Prout, Sarah
Prowse, Amanda
Proysen, Alf
Prue, Sally
Pryce, Malcolm
Pryor, Francis
Puckett, Andrew
Pueblo, Yung
Pulle, Ayur
Pulle, Shreyas
Pulle, Ayur & Kumbhakern, Aarush
Pulle, Ayur & Pulle, Shreyas
Pullein-Thompson, Christine
Pullein-Thompson, Diana
Pulley, Natasha
Pullinger, Kate
Pullman, Philip
Punke, Michael
Punt, Steve
Purcell, Deidre
Purcell, Laura
Purcell, William
Purnell, Sonia
Purser, Ann
Purves, Libby
Purvis, Stewart
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
Pushkin, Alexander
Puzo, Mario
Pym, Barbara
Pyper, Andrew